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Is refrigerated plastic bottled water poisonous? Expert: There is no scientific basis
Bili Polymer Technology

Recently, a blog post "Never drink refrigerated bottled water" went viral, claiming that plastic bottles will release dioxins after being refrigerated in the refrigerator. In addition to being carcinogenic, dioxins also have reproductive toxicity and genetic toxicity, which are directly harmful. health and lives for future generations. In this regard, Dr. Yu Hongwei from the School of Chemical Engineering of Shijiazhuang University said that beverage bottles produced by regular manufacturers are made of polymer materials and do not contain dioxins, so they will not release dioxins at all. The rumors on the Internet have no scientific basis at all.


In the hot summer, iced drinks have become the first choice for citizens to quench their thirst. However, a piece of news that "refrigeration of plastic bottles will release dioxins" was widely circulated on Weibo and WeChat. Such rumors have shocked countless netizens. Is it true that we can no longer drink iced drinks in summer? Some citizens have doubts about this.


A blog post on Weibo titled "Never drink refrigerated bottled water" caused a stir among netizens. The blog post reads: "Never put plastic bottles filled with water in the refrigerator, because plastic bottles will release dioxins under such conditions. Dioxins are a colorless, odorless, fat-soluble substance, so It is very easy to accumulate in organisms and will cause serious harm to the human body. In addition to being carcinogenic, it also has reproductive toxicity and genetic toxicity, directly endangering the health and life of future generations."


In this regard, Sun Xiaoyun, a professor at the School of Chemistry and Materials at Hebei Normal University, said that beverage bottles produced by regular manufacturers are made of polymer materials and do not contain dioxins, so they will not release dioxins at all. The rumors on the Internet have no scientific basis at all. . In addition, dioxin is a substance with a high melting point and is extremely difficult to dissolve in water. Only when plastic products such as polyvinyl chloride are burned, a chemical reaction will produce dioxins, which can enter the respiratory tract through the air and cause poisoning.


Yu Hongwei reminds citizens not to store too much mineral water in the car during summer and make sure to drink it within a short time. Plastic products commonly used at home should also be replaced every six months or so, because plastic products are prone to chemical reactions and release harmful substances after being used for a long time.


It's another rumor about "on the tip of the tongue". Whether you believe it or not, when you see such news, you will inevitably beat a small drum in your heart.


In Weibo and WeChat Moments, similar rumors are flooding the screen every day. The rumor makers closely grasp the audience's psychology. The topic is either about health preservation or food safety. Sometimes they will create a little romance and touch the softest memories in the heart... But no matter which aspect is involved, as long as you have a heart to discern the truth, you can keep the truth from the false. , put the rumors to rest.